Sunday, November 17, 2013

So Many Ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a bit of time to do them.

I started working on my to do list for projects tonight when I got home. It's long. But I'm totally stoked.

I took a drive to the coast today while Justin was working. Pi and I drove through Sebastapol. I had hoped to get apples so I could test my pie crust as an apple pie. While they grow apples in Sebastapol, it's not quite Apple Hill. There aren't a ton of farm stands. There isn't a lot of variety. I stopped at one place and they only had one variety of apples. ONE!

We continued on and went to Duncan Mills to get coffee and over to Blind Beach. I was happy to see that the "pews" from our wedding were still sort of there!

The last row of our "pews" was still in place. One "pew" has been partially buried. 
I wasn't going to to today, but Justin really encouraged me to do it. And it was awesome. The weather was great. Pi and I walked on the beach and just sat for a while. It gave me some time to disconnect (no phones/internet/etc) out there and to actually talk with people as Pi played with their dogs.

I have a billiondy ideas going through my head right now and started a new to do list. (each component of my to do list has to do lists, but hey, I don't want to lose the good ideas!)

I'm pretty stoked about Thanksgiving. We're getting together with Justin's family the weekend before and my family on thanksgiving. I'm in charge of pie and biscuits. I'm making my super delicious pumpkin pie and sweet potato biscuits. It's kind of cool that my family is trying new things for Thanksgiving this year (it's a gluten free Thanksgiving for the most part). 

One thing I'm going to test this week for sure is trying a real food version of my mom's cranberry salad. The version we've been making forever uses Jell-O but in an attempt to ditch the artificial colors and flavors, I'm going to rework it with raspberry juice and gelatin. I'm really excited because it is one of the best parts of the holidays that we started making the year we had an "Amish" Thanksgiving with the Gauthier family when I was a kid. 

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